Do you wish to work as an electrician throughout the state of Florida? First you must receive your electrical certification from the Electrical Contractors Licensing Board (ECLB). Depending on your specialty, you can pursue one of these four ECLB certifications:

  1. Electrical contractor
  2. Alarm contractor I (includes fire alarms)
  3. Alarm contractor II (excludes fire alarms)
  4. Specialty: residential, lighting, utility line, etc.

But you’ll have to qualify for certification before you seek your Florida electrical license. You can achieve this one of four ways:

  1. Operate as a manager in your trade for at least three years (within the last six years)
  2. Act as a supervisor in your specified field for at least four years (within the last eight years)
  3. Demonstrate at least six years of education, training and/or experience in electrical work (within the last 12 years)
  4. Work as a licensed professional electrical engineer for three or more years

On top of these qualifications, you may need to meet other requirements specific to your desired certification. And once you know that qualify, it’s time to submit your application for examination along with applicable fees.

And even if you pass the exam, your application’s still at risk of denial. For one, the ECLB may find that your work experience, as shown on your W-2 forms, is not up to par with the supervisory or management requirements. Next, the board will evaluate your financial history. A poor credit history could result in rejection. And finally, the board will conduct a background check to ensure your record is clear of serious criminal activity.


As you can see, receiving your Florida electrical license involves a lot of planning. The process can be extensive and stressful, but it doesn’t need to be. For a better chance of approval, seek help from a license professional. While the state rejects 90 percent of electrical applications, the experts at Licenses, Etc. have a 95 percent approval rate. To schedule a free consultation, contact Licenses, Etc. at 239-777-1028.

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