Construction Workers and COVID-19 

COVID-19 is affecting all industries. Construction services have been deemed essential in Florida, but COVID-19 can still cause delays and cost increases on construction projects.  

In December, a new study showed that more than 730,000 COVID-19 tests found that construction workers had the highest positivity rates for asymptomatic cases of any occupation, including healthcare workers and food/grocery workers. Another study by the University of Texas stated that construction workers were five times more likely to be hospitalized due to COVID-19 than workers in other industries. 

Clearly, more testing on job sites is needed.  

Since the virus can be easily spready by asymptomatic people, what can a contractor or construction worker do on a job site to protect his/herself? 

  • If you feel sick in any way do not go into work.  
  • Do not come back to work until you completed home isolation guidelines by the CDC.  
  • Let your boss/supervisor know if you are healthy and someone you live with is sick with COVID-19.  
  • Try to spread out in the workplace to at least 6 feet.  
  • Wear a face mask/cloth face covering in a public setting or where you cannot maintain distance. 
  • Clean and disinfect surfaces, tools, machines, ladders, doorknobs, toilets, vehicles, and other equipment frequently.  
  • Try not to share tools.  
  • Wash hands regularly/frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol in it.  
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.  
  • Use tissues if you need to cough, sneeze, or touch your face.  
  • Try to stagger work schedules or provide alternate workdays or extra shifts.  
  • Install plexiglass and shields wherever possible.  
  • Limit casual/social interactions at work.  
  • Cancel in-person meetings if possible.  


Dealing with this pandemic isn’t easy for anyone or any business. If you follow the above health and safety tips, you can better avoid the spread of the COVID-19 virus in the workplace.  We know how important it is to keep a job and work or to keep your business running, which means everyone must be serious about this virus.  

Looking to get licensed? We can do that all remotely for you through email and over the phone, which is very safe during these times. At Licenses, Etc., we are  Florida contractor licensing company that works  with you to get your contractor license application approved by the Board fast and easy. To get your contractor license, click Florida contractor’s license page to learn more or call 239-777-1028. 




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