A Few Contractor Licensing Questions  

The contractor licensing application process can be easy when you work with a contractor licensing company like us at Licenses, Etc.  We know what the Contractor Licensing Board is looking for.  

We make sure you have the right requirements, experience, passed the exams, meet all the deadlines, and paid any fees. When applying for a contractor’s license, there’s a lot to know and remember. If you work with us, we’ve got you covered.  

When you work with us, we know there’s a lot of questions you will have, and you should! We will answer all your questions every step of the way. For this article, we thought we’d share some questions for you 

These questions/answers will help you with information for before, during, and after the application process.  

  1. Can you work in Florida for a single project with another state’s contractor license? 
  1. Yes, but you need to get a limited, non-renewable registration for the single project, which is valid for a year. The Construction Industry Licensing Board must give you approval and you need to show that the project requires skills that you cannot get with a Florida license. Unfortunately, these applications are rarely approved by the Board.  
  1. What are the penalties for working as an unlicensed contractor in Florida?  
  1. If you are caught working unlicensed, the first offense is a first-degree misdemeanor, which can land you up to one year in jail or probation. If you continue to work without a license or work during an emergency, this is considered a third-degree felony, which can land you about 5-years in jail or probation and fines that can go up to $10,000.  
  1. How do you prove you have experience on your contractor license application?  
  1. You will want to give all contact information for the person/company you worked for and learned from. You may have to show W-2s and pay stubs. Ask our team what experience you need to prove for the specific license you are applying for. Each contractor license has different experience requirements.  

We bet you have a lot of questions about getting a contractor license. We’d be happy to answer them all. Also, you can visit our FAQ contractor license page for more questions and answers.  

We know everything about the application process, and we can help you through it and let you know when it’s time for you to apply.  

We are a Florida contractor licensing company. We are experts in these applications! Our team at  Licenses, Etc. can help you get licensed fast and easy. Please call us at 239-777-1028 to get help with your license application today!   


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